Maybe watching TV would be a good way to change the subject.
You can even do them in your living room while you're watching TV!
I mean, they must have been watching TV or something.
It's difficult for parents to let children watch TV on their own today.
Pay to see a show when you can stay at home and watch TV?
Better to pay someone to do science than to watch TV.
Or even leave them on long enough for you to watch TV?
I was home alone watching TV and waiting up for her.
They passed through a large room where people were watching TV.
No, those kids would just watch TV or do other stuff.
Students who watch most television do least well in school.
But said why didn't I come over and watch television.
In 1997, a company changed the way people watch television.
How long can you watch television these days without doing something else?
Finally, students are asked to consider what people might be doing if they weren't watching television.
Do you think children should be allowed to watch television during the week?
She did not have enough energy to read, talk or even watch television.
She had been watching television and talking with her friends.
Young people still do watch television but not in the same way they used to.
I stay home a lot with my wife, watch television.