But why would anyone want to become a naval officer?
A moment later, the naval officer rose from the table.
"I have some news for you about your boys," the naval officer said.
He would not tell the naval officer what it was.
When the naval officer had gone he got up from the bed and went along the passage.
Young was born in 1762, the son of a naval officer.
A naval officer is much more than a man with a certain body of technical information.
That is why all of you are here: to become naval officers.
The naval officers were talking in a little group and looking at him.
This was the second significant step in Bush's career as a naval officer.
The Navy officer who put three of us on the train was white.
"At one point, he thought about being a Navy officer."
Something like a Navy officer's cabin had been created for him.
He'd gone into it with open eyes, and he was still convinced the Navy officer had been right.
The senior Navy officer on board would take control if a ship came under attack.
So what, precisely, had a Navy officer been doing there?
I've already been in one relationship with an idealistic Navy officer.
"It's a time to take stock of where we are," one Navy officer said.
All Navy officers accept this as a price of command.
Navy officers said they had no estimate when it might be completed.