Women are more likely to be victims of rape than men.
"Most rape victims have enough trouble with the current one."
She knew that being a rape victim was not the end of the world.
One year later, he couldn't look at her without seeing a rape victim.
That is why rape victims often take decades to come forward, if they do at all.
And she had the same reaction other rape victims have.
The 14-year-old girl was a friend of the two other rape victims, who are sisters.
He was actually looking to make things easier for rape victims, believe it or not.
We must hear, not assume, the experience of rape victims because our best and only defense is knowledge.
Why is it society does not want to believe victims of child abuse and rape?
Women are more likely to be victims of rape than men.
"Most rape victims have enough trouble with the current one."
She knew that being a rape victim was not the end of the world.
One year later, he couldn't look at her without seeing a rape victim.
That is why rape victims often take decades to come forward, if they do at all.
And she had the same reaction other rape victims have.
The 14-year-old girl was a friend of the two other rape victims, who are sisters.
He was actually looking to make things easier for rape victims, believe it or not.
We must hear, not assume, the experience of rape victims because our best and only defense is knowledge.
Why is it society does not want to believe victims of child abuse and rape?