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The official act, by which the school was closed down, must be withdrawn.
The break between the two dynasties may have been more as an official act than in fact.
"We should look on this as the first official act of the Dinkins administration."
He is often called upon to represent the person of the president in official acts and ceremonies.
There was more argument about whether private or only official acts could be subject to impeachment.
You know, I assume, that the commission of your study was about its last official act?"
Harrison's only official act of consequence was to call Congress into a special session.
It would be one of his last official acts.
Rev. Meeks' first official act was to give the new church a name.
There was no official act of Congress to end Reconstruction.
I think our first official act should be one of condolence."
Their role is to ascertain that official acts are consistent with the law.
Municipal authorities also kept a register of their official acts.
Otto's officials acts were often the result of the circumstances created by this power struggle.
My first official act as legate will be to meet with them on that very subject."
His first significant official act was to conclude a peace treaty with Burgundy in 1419.
But, for official acts, only the chorus and the seventh are sung.
His earliest documented official act (jointly with the father) was in 1451.
And what will be his first official act?
Presidents are immune from civil liability for their official acts while in office.
But his first official act was to fire Eleanor Richmond.
This would be President Taft's last official act of state.
It is an official act of an authority in the field of public law to resolve an individual case with effect to the outside.
Every official act of the Council, having the force and effect of law, must be an ordinance.
It was his first official act upon assuming his presidency.