"No bulky items likely to inconvenience others," one rule states.
In these units, it will take a minimum of an hour and a half, usually more, to dry bulky items.
What you ride in all day is usually the bulky item, like leather.
With an extra door, I could finally put large, bulky items inside.
It will save you money on shipping, especially when buying bulky items.
These were deep shelves, well over four feet wide, and held a myriad of large, bulky items.
Perishable or bulky items usually are not sold in this way.
This will create a lot of space for bulky items while still letting the car go all the way in.
Five of George's friends, young men in their twenties and husky enough to help move bulky items, were waiting.
Large or bulky items should be marked 'Letter' on the outside.