He works as an odd-job man or possibly, given the nature of the work, as a husband.
You remember that long word Sheila Poster used about the odd-job man?
I'm worth something better than being an odd-job man.
She had taken James, the odd-job man, for her friend now.
"Only you won't be the odd-job man this time."
At his second trial, his lawyer said he was by then an odd-job man who relied on the charity of friends.
So now I'm sort of a uniformed odd-job man at the bank.
Nor could she then justify employing a cleaner and the odd-job man who kept all the local gardens more or less under control.
You do not get some haif-witted odd-job man and sap him into making a confession.
Over the course of the next several years, he would work as a miner, cowboy, and odd-job man.