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By this time, French forces had relieved the Americans of their occupational duties about a month earlier.
The division was assigned occupational duties until it left for home and inactivation 1 March 1946.
Equipped only for occupational duties, it was sent to France as a component of the 15th Army.
Due to firefighter's occupational duties, they are frequently exposed to hazardous chemicals at a close proximity for longer periods of time.
After Victory in Europe Day the division received occupational duties until it left for home and inactivation.
It is the hard and fast rule that women carry out their occupational duties with a great feeling of responsibility and their value is acknowledged.
Therefore, they need to be protected by the ksatriyas so that they will not be disturbed in the execution of their higher occupational duties.
Postal ballots and Internet voting are only available to Dutch citizens living abroad, or having occupational duties abroad on election day.
When NBC picked the project up to series status, Gordon added writer and showrunner to his occupational duties on the show.
The 5th Infantry did not participate in combat operations in World War I, but did perform occupational duties.
It was first used in September, where it was moved to the Balkans for standard occupational duties in southern Greece and Crete.
Of the six occupational duties of the ', three are compulsory - namely, worship of the Deity, study of the Vedas and the giving of charity.
Rates: BOE insurance rates are based on the insured's age (at time of purchase), occupational duties, health status, optional riders selected, benefit period, and elimination period.
Shifting to Göppingen on 30 April, the Division engaged in occupational duties as the war in Europe came to an end on V-E Day.
It assisted in the encirclement of the Ruhr Pocket and the capture of Berchtesgaden, then took up occupational duties in Zell am See, Austria.
In April 1945, it received occupational duties until 20 April when it resumed the offensive, pursuing a fleeing enemy through Stuttgart and taking Münsingen on 24 April.
The division then moved back to Germany on 25 April 1945, where, for the remainder of its stay in Europe, the 106th handled POW enclosures and engaged in occupational duties.
Dirty Jobs is a program on the Discovery Channel, produced by Pilgrim Films & Television, in which host Mike Rowe is shown performing difficult, strange, disgusting, or messy occupational duties alongside the typical employees.
In April it took part in the reduction of the Saar Basin, and after VE-day was engaged in occupational duties, with Command Posts at Otterberg, Bad Kreuznach, Frankfurt, and Oranienstein.
Dirty Jobs was a reality/factual program on the Nine Network, based on the American version of the same name, in which hosts Jo Beth Taylor and Ben Dark are shown performing difficult, strange, and/or messy occupational duties alongside professional workers.
The subjects that the Code of Hammurabi covers are similar to modern legal codes, for it includes religious observance, social conduct and occupational duties which covers military and contractual obligations as well as the control of slavery throughout all of Babylon at that time.
Within the Branch, the Labor Market Information Division collects, analyzes, and publishes (e.g., on its Web site) thousands of statistics on agricultural and nonagricultural industrial employment; occupational duties, skills, wages, and staffing patterns; and labor force statistics and characteristics.
Functional theorists in sociology and economics assert that the existence of social classes is necessary in order to distribute persons so that only the most qualified are able to acquire positions of power, and so that all persons fulfill their occupational duties to the greatest extent of their ability.
It noted that the corps has more often than not performed actions of a non-naval nature, including its famous actions in Tripoli, the War of 1812, Chapultepec, and numerous counter-insurgency and occupational duties (such as those in Central America), World War I, and the Korean War.