Valery Vyzhutovich says that ordinary Russians understand why civil servants do not want to disclose tax declarations.
Germany: donations are 50% deductible ( you get 50% back with your tax declaration)
His tax declarations for some years indicate that he was born in 1397, but in 1446 he claimed to be born in 1396.
It advocates an "anti-corruption lustration" whereby state officials' expenses and property values are compared with their tax declarations.
The proper tax declarations are on file with the revenue authorities of France and Belgium.
The tax representative will be responsible for making any necessary tax declarations to us, keeping tax records and making these available for inspection.
These items are absent from his tax declarations.
This included the requirement to make known their position on the statement of public accounting, reporting and tax declarations in euros.
The group has lobbied to prohibit the IRS from preparing tax declarations for citizens.
He supported the bill in part because it contained his personal contribution: a measure requiring chief executives to take personal responsibility for corporate tax declarations.