Extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) are a group of autoantigens that were originally identified as antibody targets in people with autoimmune disorders.
Pleiomorphic pattern is caused by antibodies to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
The lack of other nuclear antigens in this organelle means that using C.luciliae as a substrate allows for the specific detection of anti-dsDNA antibodies.
These might include: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF), extractable nuclear antigen, and specific antibodies.
Seroconversion to antibodies against Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-related latent nuclear antigens before the development of Kaposi's sarcoma.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an autoimmune disease characterized by autoantibodies against mitochondrial and nuclear antigens.
Extractable Nuclear Antigens are over 100 different soluble cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens.
Assay for antinuclear antibody, extractable nuclear antigens, anticentromere antibodies, and cryoglobulins were negative.
GS-ANA are antibodies directed to granulocyte specific nuclear antigens.
This gene encodes a member of the HIN-200 (hematopoietic interferon-inducible nuclear antigens with 200 amino acid repeats) family of cytokines.