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He created a complex classification of psychotic illnesses called nosological.
Published in 2002, this was a critical review of nosological issues related to bipolar disorder.
This is an ill-defined disorder of uncertain nosological validity.
In the 1950s, koro is noted in nosological and diagnostic psychiatry.
Analysis of death certificates requires nosological coding of causes of death.
Sukhanov was a proponent of nosological approach.
His recommendations were discarded by the psychiatric community, as was his nosological assertions of the uniqueness of the disease.
The verification in different cultures of the universality of the nosological categories of biomedicine and psychiatry.
Several syndromes are related to the Freeman-Sheldon syndrome spectrum, but more information is required before undertaking such nosological delineation.
Classification of these conditions often presents many nosological challenges, since underlying etiologies and pathogenetics are often not known.
Brune states that Kraepelin's nosological system was 'to a great deal, built on the degeneration paradigm'.
Current nosological approach does not provide a framework for internal (sub-threshold symptoms) or external (comorbidity) heterogeneity of the different diagnostic categories.
It is important to enquire comorbid patients about the level of functional disorders and anatomic status of all the identified nosological forms (diseases).
Associating diseases: Nosological units not connected etiologically and pathogenetically with the primary disease (Listed in the order of significance).
Karl Kahlbaum (1828-1899) and the Emergence of Psychopathological and Nosological Research in German psychiatry.
Lynch HT: Desmoid tumors: genotype-phenotype differences in familial adenomatous polyposis--a nosological dilemma.
Sydenham's nosological method is essentially the modern one, except that it wanted the morbid anatomy part, which was first introduced into the natural history of disease by Morgagni nearly a century later.
The early nosological efforts grouped diseases by their symptoms, whereas modern systems (e.g. SNOMED) focus on grouping diseases by the anatomy and etiology involved.
In a series of reports, he and his co-workers pinpointed the nosological autonomy of cycloid psychoses, unsystematic and systematic schizophrenias by inter-rater reliability analysis and long-term follow-up studies.
Although his findings were not readily accepted, he always hoped that reservations about a nosological differentiation of endogenous psychoses would one day give way to a fruitful discussion of its findings and implications.
The main reason for this is nosological, because these symptoms often co-occur, but there is another, more philosophical reason: the idea that the phenomenological experience of self, others, and world is one continuous whole.
Primary disease: This is the nosological form, which itself or as a result of complications calls for the foremost necessity for treatment at the time due to threat to the patient's life and danger of disability.
These severe infections were often complicated by delirium, but it was not until the nosological advances of Chaslin and Bonhöffer that they could be distinguished from other causes of postpartum psychosis.
It is possible that a condition originally assumed to be a culture-bound behavioral syndrome is found to have a biological cause; from a medical perspective it would then be redefined into another nosological category.
Around 1975, Lennert began work on a system of nosological classification for malignant lymph node tumors (non-Hodgkin lymphomas) that was predicated on the cytomorphological and biochemical attributes of developing lymphoid cells.