We show by ablating single, identified primary motor neurons that these cells normally inhibit nearby cells from adopting the primary motor neuron fate.
Studies now suggest glioma formation may result from cellular insensitivity to regulatory growth factors and cell signals, like neurogenin, that would normally inhibit further proliferation of glial cells.
Dopamine is the chemical that normally inhibits prolactin secretion, so doctors may treat prolactinoma with bromocriptine, cabergoline or Quinagolide drugs that act like dopamine.
They normally inhibit deserts so a more arid environment should be provided.
PTEN, a tumor suppressor, normally inhibits PI3K, but can sometimes become mutated and deactivated.
The microRNA produced by miR-101 normally inhibits translation of the messenger RNA coding for EZH2.
Strong wind shear, which normally inhibits cyclonic development, provided energy for further convective development around the system.
At the same time, scientists believe that the cells that normally inhibit these neurons from firing either die off, begin to degenerate, or are overpowered and become less effective.
Viagra works by blocking an enzyme that normally inhibits blood flow, causing penile tissue to swell.
The drug works by blocking an enzyme that normally inhibits blood flow and, in doing so, causes engorgement of erectile tissue.