After anorexia starts, returning to normal eating is very hard without help.
After bulimia becomes a pattern, it is very difficult to return to normal eating without help.
Holidays like these tend to put normal eating on hold.
What's normal eating for babies, what's not, and what to do about it.
Usually, patients can resume normal eating and drinking about 2 - 3 days after the surgery.
When side effects of cancer or cancer treatment affect normal eating, changes can be made to help the patient get the nutrients needed.
One binge might merge into the next, with no period of normal eating in between.
What does 'normal eating' mean when most of us are overweight or on a perpetual diet?
Calcium taken at 1,200 mg total daily through a combination of normal eating and supplementation.
It may be that the baby's sensitivity has cleared up of its own accord, and you can then return to normal eating.