In addition, Federal mission PP&E is limited to PP&E that would not typically be used by non-federal entities.
Technical Services Agreement (TSA): A non-federal entity pays NREL for services related to an analytical problem.
A recipient of federal awards or funds is defined as any non-federal entity that receives federal assistance and which is part of, and/or located within, the United States and its territories and possessions.
The suspension and debarment requirement establishes that certain non-Federal entities have been prohibited from participating in or receiving Federal assistance for various reasons, including prior mismanagement of funds or previous non-compliance of laws and regulations.
Credit to reimburse non-federal participants in the restoration project would be granted, but future claims would need to be based on a written agreement that the non-federal entity would do the work.
The financial component is exactly like a financial audit of a non-federal entity which includes the audit of the financial statements and accompanying notes.
Provided for the undertaking by non-Federal entities of the construction of navigation projects approved by the Secretary and for crediting the non-Federal share of such construction.
Encourages the Secretary, under such program, to utilize contracts, cooperative agreements, and grants with colleges and universities and other non-Federal entities.
The U.S. Clean Water Act regulates certain aspects of channelization by requiring non-Federal entities (i.e. state and local governments, private parties) to obtain permits for dredging and filling operations.
This site, maintained by the National Library of Medicine, contains approximately 5,500 clinical studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and other Federal and non-Federal entities.