The EU's competition regulator said that these fees were of special concern because of the growing role of non-cash payments.
Also unlike the first wave of EMU which had a three year transition period (1999-2001), there was no transition period when non-cash payments could be made in both tolar and euro.
Under Australian law, the term is defined very broadly to cover facilities through which a person making a financial investment, manages financial risk or makes non-cash payments.
Journalists have become "very nervous" about using cash payments now, and prefer to use non-cash payments.
It may be in the form of cash or non-cash payments such as shares and share options, superannuation or other benefits.
PAYE applies to earnings of all kinds arising from your employment, including bonuses, overtime and non-cash payments known as "benefits in kind" such as the use of company car.
What kind of non-cash payments count as RCAs?
The year 2012 also saw the introduction of a duty of non-cash payments for amounts over 1,500 Euros.
Although people could still use their money via credit cards, checks and other forms of non-cash payments, the enforcement of these measures caused delays and problems for the general population and especially for businesses.
Currently each EU citizen is making on average 138 non-cash payments per year and this is likely to grow.