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Almost all of the nonbreeding season is spent in open water.
Small numbers appear to migrate to South Korea during the nonbreeding period.
The Dog Warriors had been willing to let a nonbreeding breeder live.
It lives along riverbanks and can forage out to 10 km at sea in the nonbreeding season.
Its nonbreeding habitat is small to moderately large streams with a moderate to slow currents.
On average, a nonbreeding female floater has has only a 9 percent chance of breeding the next year.
Radio-marked soras in Arizona had a nonbreeding survival probability of 0.308.
The use of inland lakes during the nonbreeding season occurs in conjunction with visits to nesting areas.
The water in the breeding area, about 4 to 8 centimeters deep, flows slowly into an adjacent stream (the nonbreeding habitat).
But he says that the male army was a survival of the screening function delegated to the nonbreeding males in the prehistoric pack.
They began to see that the nonbreeding adults often had subplots of their own going on when they opted to help around a kin's nest.
Populations in the northern part of hispid cotton rat range experience dramatic declines in the nonbreeding season.
During the nonbreeding season, the throat and face behind the eye become white, and the white line on the face becomes less prominent.
Spotted Owls typically have smaller home ranges in the breeding season than in the nonbreeding season.
Even during the nonbreeding season, maximal energetic gain was observed two or more animals nested together, because resting metabolic rate was already decreased.
If the breeding female is removed, the breeding male becomes a female and the largest nonbreeding male becomes a breeder.
The species name valisineria comes from the plant Vallisneria americana, whose winter buds and rhizomes are the Canvasback's preferred food during the nonbreeding period.
Most astonishingly, the nonbreeding females appear able to lactate and nurse the alpha pups, an extraordinary investment for a female to make in any young but her own.
The habitat of Northern and California Spotted Owls during the nonbreeding season is generally similar to breeding-season habitat, with some minor differences.
Prenuptial moulting occurs in Red-collared Widowbirds where the males replace their nonbreeding plumage with breeding plumage.
Most of the 14 species nest on islands in the Southern Hemisphere and during the nonbreeding season, they wander the southern oceans for months without once coming to land.
Dr. Kooyman said the adult emperor penguins travel in ice-congested polar waters during the nonbreeding months, feeding on fish and squid at depths up to 1,500 feet.
In ponderosa pine-Gambel oak forests of Arizona, roosting sites occurred in more variable habitats in the nonbreeding season than in the breeding season.
Most recently, the scientists have tried to determine just how it is that the nonbreeding females in a group are kept from ovulating, and from trying to have babies of their own.