Due to their nocturnal and secretive nature, these frogs are not commonly seen.
The leopard is sometimes considered the most difficult of the big five to hunt because of their nocturnal and secretive nature.
Cats As the passing season's chaos subsides, many an undisturbed cat returns to its nocturnal nature.
A guess is treated with respect and also entertained by the diurnal and nocturnal nature of the community.
Sod webworms themselves will not be seen because of their nocturnal nature.
What comes as a surprise to most new kitten owners is their nocturnal nature.
Not much is known about the breeding habits of jerboas due to their solitary and nocturnal nature.
Dark and mysterious undead beings who drink human blood to survive, their nocturnal nature make them perfect for the nightlife scene.
These pangolins are not often observed in the wild due to their solitary, secretive and nocturnal nature.
The nocturnal nature of Wright's "night pieces" was different to his contemporaries.