Academics, public broadcasters, political commentators and the country's largest newspapers have protested what is widely called the Televisa law.
Many Peruvian politicians and newspapers, equally convinced of her innocence, have also protested her detention.
Local groups and newspapers have protested that this represents a takeover of the Wakefield district by the Leeds district.
Some right-wing newspapers protested the communist background of the new President.
After being traded to the Athletics, Pittsburgh's main black newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier, protested that Roberts never had a real chance in the Majors.
Most major newspapers and the television networks have protested the attempt by the Pentagon to restrict news reporting from the Persian Gulf, should hostilities break out.
The fact the newspaper and magazines are protesting is healthy.
After the war, the newspaper protested strongly the new freedoms granted to African Americans.
In 1892 one British newspaper protested that a new play, advertised as the work of Stephenson and Augustus Harris, was in fact the work of less-known writers.
Several newspapers also protested the award.