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We might have been in love for the first time, or a newly married couple.
Due to their age, it was decided that the newly married couple would not live together for a few more years.
"You may have my bed," he told the newly married couple.
The band began to play, and the newly married couple came out on the floor for the first dance.
The newly married couple were setting out by car immediately after lunch.
As the guests of honor, the newly married couple is the first to leave the party.
They both share in this responsibility and privilege as a newly married couple.
That year Nancy went to live with the newly married couple - whom she called "mother and father".
The vast majority of people will give something to a newly married couple, especially if they're close enough friends or family to be invited.
I would just like to congratulate the newly married couple on this, the most important day in their lives.
The announcement of the newly married couple took place at their church on the Sunday following the wedding.
All the men wanted a chance to be a part in greeting the newly married couple and wishing them well.
Once their army was ready, the newly married couple invaded a nearby territory.
Newly married couples must then list their names in a separate family register.
After the wedding, the newly married couple went to Oberursel.
The newly married couples almost made up for that.
Following some careful research, Anglesey turned out to be the perfect place for a newly married couple.
The day following the ceremony, the newly married couple travels to the home of the groom.
It was not unusual for a woman's unwed sister to live with and help a newly married couple.
'Chose it we did so that any newly married couple should come here on honeymoon.
He traveled with her to the shipyards in the west, and for those weeks it was as if they were a newly married couple.
So Chinaski heads over to the newly married couple's apartment for the interview.
You could use these to make up some smaller pictures for the bridesmaids, or perhaps the mothers of the newly married couple.
The newly married couple asks Caroline to cater the event for them.
A newly married couple were killed when high waves knocked the wife into the rocky shores.