While some proslytization occurred, the social dynamics of Sind were no different from other regions newly conquered by Muslim forces such as Egypt, where conversion to Islam was slow and took centuries.
There the unit stayed until sent to Syria and possibly Armenia by Nero in 61 or 62, these territories newly conquered from the Parthians.
Ceylon, then newly conquered from the Dutch, was a part of the Madras Presidency from 1793 to 1798.
For the nationalists, they were successful in avoiding annihilation and beaten back enemy attacks on urban centers, but their communist eradication campaign was forced to end early with vast newly conquered rural areas falling back into the enemy hands.
As a result, many more beyliks were founded in these newly conquered western regions who entered into power struggles with the Byzantines, the Genoese, the Knights Templar as well as between each other.
This was the frontier of Vietnam and, as these provinces were newly conquered from the Champa, there was new land to farm and plenty of work for ambitious men.
In the Horn of Africa, the Solomonic dynasty of the Ethiopian Highlands often exported Nilotic slaves from their western borderland provinces, or from newly conquered or reconquered lowland territories.
The Nova also found use as an instrument of civil control, and not just on worlds that had been newly conquered by the Hegemony.
Latin cathedrals were built in the lands newly conquered from Greek Orthodoxy or Islam, mostly in the Romanesque style with obvious influence from Byzantine and Islamic designs.
Many Jews migrated to areas newly conquered by Muslims and established communities there.