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Since meters are read once a month, daily net metering is not reported.
"Net metering has been absolutely fundamental to that success," she said.
At the heart of this dilemma are what's known as net metering customers.
I would think net metering is also relevant, although Bob did not identify that.
There is currently a cap on net metering programs for that reason.
Indeed, net metering has been so successful in California that 42 other states have enacted similar rules.
This requirement is not required or applicable to net metering.
A more practical approach is to assume net metering by each utility.
Currently, about 850 customers participate in the "net metering" program.
Eighteen states allow net metering without any caps, he noted.
Net metering is a policy designed to foster private investment in renewable energy.
If local generation exceeds demand some of the time, for example during the day, net metering is used.
In the new scheme a net metering system would be applied rather than gross.
Although the cap won't be hit any time soon, experts said, the future of net metering is uncertain.
Net metering should be limited to small residential renewable facilities.
Secondly, there is pressure on electricity companies to accept the idea of net metering'.
Many of the states have net metering policies that are inadequate for 100% renewable energy.
Net metering has been available in the United States, upon request, since 2005.
Net metering is available only during a billing period.
• A national study of net metering was shared. General results and theories were brought to the group.
Its goal was to gain significant experience and knowledge on how to run the electricity grid using net metering.
The University will lead a €1.3 million investigate module into the adoption of net metering.
Net metering is available to all consumers for up to at least 10 kW generation.
He based this assessment on existing state electricity laws and problems associated with net metering.
Among them is the large-scale application of Net metering.