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A net balance of one life to my credit, huh?
However, the net balance of power in the Senate was unchanged.
One final word on net balances, an issue which was addressed several times.
The bill is based on the net balance.
It's the net balance of calculations of expected ice volume changes.
In a new departure, the Commission is openly tackling the issue of net balances.
In the final years of operation the net balance in the Corporation's treasury was at times no more than $200.
Despite its reservations on the very concept of net balances, the Commission has not shied away from the issue.
Therefore, presenting matters in terms of net balances is inappropriate and very inaccurate.
According to Statement 34, that special-purpose government entity needs only to report the net balance of the restricted resources.
Net balances are not projected to become positive again until well beyond FY 2016.
A low, mortgage-style interest rate is charged on the net balance of the account on a daily basis.
Also, Microsoft had a stronger net balance than Google as recently as six months ago.
Nor did it propose taking net balances into account when establishing net contributions.
The customer would then pay interest on the net balance, potentially allowing savings to be made on borrowings.
Other mortgages are genuine offset loans that charge interest only on the net balance once savings have been deducted from the debt.
In order to help people determine whether positive functions outweigh dysfunctions, and vice versa, Merton developed the concept of net balance.
In addition, the test must demonstrate clinical utility, that is, a positive net balance of benefits and risks associated with the application of the test.
Net balance is the mass balance determined between successive mass balance minimums.
"The net balance shown at the end of September is zero, which means that the Government of Liberia has virtually no cash."
All qualifying expenditure is usually pooled together, disposal proceeds deducted, and the 25% allowance is given on the net balance.
A net balance of companies said export volumes had grown over the past year and even more expected sales growth from overseas over the next twelve months.
We need to move away from a narrow focus on net balances and move towards an approach based on solidarity, burden-sharing and equity.
This phase was characterized with the manual exchange of payments, with settlements based on NET balance between debit and credit.
Our Union needs more solidarity and therefore more of its own resources in order to overthrow the niggardly accounting system based on net balances and rebates.