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She called the male-centered world of the foreground necrophilic, hating all living things.
While still a young boy, Hand is shown as having a severe preoccupation with death and the dead that includes implied necrophilic tendencies.
'Every high-ticket item except the heart and lungs,' beamed the necrophilic negotiator.
Also, his poem "Annabel Lee" includes, towards the end, possible necrophilic imagery.
In 1958, Klaf and Brown commented that, although rarely described, necrophilic fantasies may occur more often than is generally supposed.
By encouraging necrophilic reveries one probably does quite as much harm as by, say, picking pockets at the races.
People having a necrophilic fantasy - necrophilic miracle.
An editor of Partisan Review, in a testy exchange with Lewis, called him "a necrophilic son of a cretin."
Will had not jumped her in her sleep-a thought a tad too necrophilic for Kelly's tastes-she had jumped him.
As he delivers an Arrabalesque tribute to "the necrophilic passion" of vultures and crows, he becomes a great, flapping, wheeling bird himself.
There was nothing necrophilic about this, for to all intents the giant was still alive for me, indeed more alive than many of the people watching him.
Those that were fairest, whom the plague and the worm had not ravaged overmuch, they took for their lemans and made to serve their necrophilic lust.
The song "A Little Piece of Heaven" on the self-titled album by Avenged Sevenfold describes his necrophilic act.
When Salome collapses in necrophilic spasms before the severed head of John the Baptist, Ms. Behrens is forthright and ardent.
But Mix has chosen to live in the old house for its proximity to Rillington Place, where his hero, the necrophilic serial killer John Christie, murdered six women.
And after Mr. Collard's death, the question of sexual irresponsibility was again brushed aside by what Le Monde called the "necrophilic industry" that sprang up to promote the new cult.
In 1996, Philippe Caland completed "Dead Girl," a necrophilic Lolita story with Val Kilmer counseling a maladjusted man, who is all too attached to a lovely corpse.
In Rendell's unnerving suspense novel, a delusional young repairman named Mix Cellini has two fixations - the necrophilic serial killer John Christie, hanged 50 years earlier, and the fashion model he's stalking.
(At its height the media hurricane landed Mr. Lynch on the cover of Time and Laura Palmer on the cover of Esquire, a distinctly necrophilic choice for Woman of the Year.)
Algernon Swinburne wrote a frankly necrophilic poem, "The Leper", in which a man keeps the body of his former lover in his house: "Love bites and stings me through, to see/Her keen face made of sunken bones.
When all was said and done, Pereira implied, five years had elapsed Since the returning lunar space-craft, the Goliath 7, had plummeted into the South American land mass, and to prolong the search indefinitely was simply bad form, even, perhaps, necrophilic.
To the Editor: In his disingenuous, trite and unspeakably craven effort to blame TV, the movies and grown-ups for the necrophilic despair that enshrouds his own fiction, Bret Easton Ellis emits a deeply revealing oink of vapidity.
She speculated that "Leland/Bob may have raped the dead or dying Maddie", comparing this to the "necrophilic fantasies" that Laura Palmer's corpse evokes, and Ben Horne's unwitting brush with incest when he encounters his daughter Audrey at a brothel.