So while the wife watches Glee, the husband may want to go online but not necessarily leave the living room.
I hadn't realized before that his departure would necessarily leave me alone at the Castle, and the thought made me more than slightly nervous.
Such an action would not necessarily leave neck injuries, he said.
He largely kept to that agenda, though the limitations of his office, at least, necessarily left him longer on promise than performance.
He will not necessarily leave the editorial page, he said, but his new role is still being worked out.
If she hadn't had one on, she might have scrambled her brains and not necessarily left them inside her head.
Despite what had been claimed in the media, the proposal did not necessarily leave the Solar System with only twelve planets.
During an insurgency, both the insurgents and the government focus on each other, necessarily leaving parts of the country with minimal security and control.
While that doesn't mean a failure will necessarily leave you stranded, it might mean more trips to the dealer's service department.
This does not necessarily leave the process open to the danger of superfluous reallocations.