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That's one job in every 50 - far fewer than are lost through natural wastage.
Ten of the posts to go will disappear through natural wastage.
There is a natural wastage of at least five per cent on any diet.
The other three hundred will go through natural wastage.
Membership from now on will be by invitation only as existing places become available through natural wastage.
Both services believe they can reach the target this year, with the rest coming from natural wastage and freezing recruitment in certain areas.
"Natural wastage is letting us reach our manning levels."
Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage are expected instead of sackings.
Not to be confused with natural wastage and incompetence, but akin to them."
Losses due to natural wastage during a permitted operation will not be penalised.
But they could possibly, they surely must be able to do it through natural wastage to some extent.
A NatWest spokesman said the jobs would be lost through natural wastage.
He didn't mind the natural wastage, at all.
The arrangement continued until natural wastage had reduced the cadre back to the new manning levels.
And to put the 700,000 figure into perspective - that's 12% over five years, 2.2% per year, which is much less than natural wastage.
For the Army we are talking about in excess of 10,000 redundancies and much of the other reductions will occur through natural wastage.
I suspect that many local authorities will look to gain sympathy by cutting sensitive positions rather than going for efficiency savings and natural wastage.
The surplus teachers arising from the reduction of classes may basically be absorbed by the six teaching post quota and through natural wastage.
The company has set up a job search unit to help employees find other jobs and hopes part of the reduction will be achieved through natural wastage.
Realising that there would be 'natural wastage' over the year, a recruitment target of 633 was set, and this proportionally divided between the various branches.
His initial proposals are expected to come at the loss of 1,000 - 2,000 jobs, losses likely to be absorbed by natural wastage rather than redundancies.
Jobs in public services fell by 25,000 through voluntary redundancy and natural wastage, while they had grown by 55,000 in the private sector.
Of these, 185 remained in employment in pensions offices and sales branches, 120 were lost through natural wastage and 90 opted for redundancy.
The cutbacks to date have been achieved through natural wastage in an environment with high turnover as staff grow increasingly overstretched and demoralised by their working conditions.
There will be a natural wastage among festivals - if organiers can't keep up with what people are looking for, people won't spend their money on them.