At the same time, the Monterey Bay Area Council decided to replace the White Stag program with the nationally mandated adaptation of White Stag, the Troop Leader Development program.
They present the standardized, nationally mandated National Youth Leadership Training program.
Through nationally mandated quotas, this policy is intended to insure that Nigeria's disadvantaged tribal groups have equal access to higher education and to Government employment.
ICS is mandated by law for all Hazardous Materials responses nationally and for many other emergency operations in most states.
Although cable companies were scrambling to connect their networks back up through the Internet, most people had switched to the nationally mandated broadband for their primary media link.
With the possible exception of the Fourth of July, King Day, the newest of our nationally mandated days off, stands out as the one that most fully embraces its sacramental role in our civic religion.
No nationally mandated ratio.
This has been particularly problematic with the growth of the welfare state in Canada since the 1950s, resulting in the need to draw upon equalization payments to provide nationally mandated social services.
Some countries have no nationally mandated reserve requirements-banks use their own resources to determine what to hold in reserve, however their lending is typically constrained by other regulations.
Conservative groups, like the Eagle Forum, saw the test as a huge step toward a national curriculum and a nationally mandated education policy.