Neither bears much resemblance to older, better-known Islamic terrorist movements, which often had nationalist aims.
The group's initial base was Chicago and from there it set about recruiting ethnic Germans who supported German nationalist aims.
There were members who promoted Serbian nationalist aims of pan-Serb unification into Serbia.
They formed the Party of National Brotherhood to promote nationalist aims.
The Fennoman also founded the Finnish Party to pursue their nationalist aims.
Originally the Arab reformist groups hoped their nationalist aims would be supported by the Young Turks, who had staged a revolution in 1908-1909.
On the social front the Manifesto linked the nationalist aim of freedom with the opportunity for equality: .
During the first twenty-five years of his political career in the communist government of Yugoslavia, Milošević was a typical civil servant who did not appear to have nationalist aims.
But Bishop Daly said, "Cardinal O Fiaich was totally opposed to all use of violence purporting to advance nationalist aims."
He says that a lower rice price would not only help his constituents but also make Japan's economy stronger - which is, after all, a good nationalist aim.