In Greece and Italy, we have witnessed ineffective but democratically elected governments replaced with national-unity governments headed by technocrats committed to fiscal austerity.
In 1998, facing political crisis, Milošević again formed a national-unity government with the Serbian Radical Party.
Lesson No. 3: When trying, democratically, to put together such an all-encompassing package, it helps to have a centralized economy the size of Chicago's, with one major trade union and a national-unity government.
Only hours after the attack, Mr. Deri argued that a national-unity government was needed to restart the process.
On January 7, 1971, they signed a political pact agreeing to establish a national-unity government after the March elections.
His job is not merely to cobble together a national-unity government with a majority in the Knesset.
Mr. Peres maintained hopes of extending his career in a national-unity government under Mr. Netanyahu, while Mr. Barak pushed for new party elections that he knew he would win.
The agreement entailed the election of General Michel Sulaiman as President and the formation of a national-unity government under Fouad Siniora.
Hamas, which has regularly called for a national-unity government on terms that do not please Fatah or the Bush administration, is nonetheless expected to continue talking with Mr. Abbas.
The inner cabinet meeting had been billed as being vital for the search for a settlement in the region and the future of the national-unity government.