She was converted to steam propulsion in 1862 and was sold in 1875.
Most warships used steam propulsion from the 1860s until the advent of the gas turbine in the early 20th century.
Rams were an old idea that was revived after the development of steam propulsion.
This was the first known use of steam propulsion in the west.
Because of their steam propulsion, the American ships were larger and with a more graceful outline.
However, it was decided to use superheated steam propulsion.
Most warships used steam propulsion until the advent of the gas turbine.
A fire extinguisher then falls off the wall and onto the back of Woody's car, providing him with steam propulsion.
She was the first vessel to demonstrate the viability of using steam propulsion for commercial river transportation.
In 1952 her old steam propulsion was replaced by two diesel engines.