An initial sign that maybe someone out there cared about her came when she pulled the sweatpants over her naked hips.
I rested a hand on her naked hip.
Sharon stood, pulling the jeans over naked hips.
He reached across her naked hip for the jug of rum they'd shared.
Her hands were on her naked hips, and there was, literally, fire in her eyes.
Palmer caressed her naked hips and she moved to fill his hand, like a cat eager to be stroked.
What he saw was Cassandra's naked hips and thighs pumping hard as she raped the man on the ground beneath her.
Her hand idled down his side to find his naked hip.
To the feel of the hard floor beneath her naked hips, and all the raw, punishing pain.
Terry put his hands on her naked hips, enjoying the smooth feel of her-for the last time.