Such a man could only hope to resist his enemies by holding supreme power.
In practice not every Emperor held supreme power, though this was most often the case.
He had reached the pinnacle of his military career and held supreme political power.
But once again we're reminded that money is the supreme power in the land.
They could not be charged with aiming at supreme power.
The leader is supreme and delegates power to very few.
The presentation is a tribute to God, and to the supreme power of the church.
And now let us see if the supreme power allows of any further division.
The voice of the people invested him with the supreme power.
The structures of the state gave him effectively supreme power in the country.
They considered themselves the best policemen for any job, and the ultimate authority.
"This is not about the ultimate authority here at all," Stern said.
A girl's father has the ultimate authority over who he believes his daughter should marry.
"Your younger brother is not the ultimate authority on this."
Only the church, he noted, has the ultimate authority to interpret the word of God.
My spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
I am sure that the Minister will not be the ultimate authority on these matters.
I can state with ultimate authority that it is now scheduled to take place the first week of October.
Remember that you are in charge of the meeting and have the ultimate authority.
The idea of a captain with ultimate authority goes back 1,000 years, he said, and is hard to overcome.