For the rest of the series they are on good terms and everything is well.
The two say they are on much better terms now.
If we can't part on good terms, the next best thing is to take them with us.
Not for the first time, he was on bad terms with himself.
Never before had she known him to be on such terms with anyone.
The next morning, the two families part on good terms.
In the end, we have to take him on his own terms.
But of course they all did try him, on his own terms.
Even on its own terms the work is not without problems.
Once the game is over you have to live life on life's terms.
After more discussion, the conference agreed upon several important conditions.
Financial aid is available upon condition of participation in a summer work study program.
King upon condition he took no part in it, what had been ye.
Four bosses become available for selection upon certain conditions being met.
But they were only to be offered upon condition that this created no precedent.
The long-term success of social movements depends also upon several general conditions.
Wood volunteered to travel through Mexico and report upon conditions there.
He would lower the drawbridge and admit them upon conditions.
Amid it he began to reflect upon various incidents and conditions of the past.
Furthermore, State aid must not be made contingent upon political conditions such as the site of investment.
He is known for his work on the conditions of the economy and society.
The attack on the teacher and his financial conditions were also considered.
His work is a research, a study of this world, on the human, environmental and material conditions.
They keep a close watch on the environmental and economic conditions in the village.
The team did not have any information on her condition.
I have not yet had a report on his condition.
I was working on my physical condition ahead of the season.
He tried to get a reading on the condition of the man's mind.
We have no word yet on the condition of the President.
But I will only let you in on one condition.
I thought you two had been upon very good terms.
The two ladies, although related, were not upon good terms, and never saw each other.
Is it possible you can suppose me willing to continue to exist upon such terms?
And are they upon such terms as for her to disclose the real truth!
It is quite impossible we can continue to go on, upon such terms as these.
It is based upon simple terms that will be used nationwide.
I have one client, a sporting man, who would be very likely to take it up if we could agree upon terms.
Confidence in his will to end this war, even upon terms not ungenerous.
For years he had been upon good terms with Tantor and his people.
What human being could be upon such excellent terms with the gorilla-men?
For the rest of the series they are on good terms and everything is well.
The two say they are on much better terms now.
If we can't part on good terms, the next best thing is to take them with us.
Not for the first time, he was on bad terms with himself.
Never before had she known him to be on such terms with anyone.
The next morning, the two families part on good terms.
In the end, we have to take him on his own terms.
But of course they all did try him, on his own terms.
Even on its own terms the work is not without problems.
Once the game is over you have to live life on life's terms.