You can get them over the counter or by prescription.
Q. In some countries, what we have only by prescription here is available over the counter.
These are available in the form of capsules by prescription.
They are available by prescription to women younger than age 17.
In some countries the hormone is available only by prescription or not at all.
A form of cocaine that can be applied to the skin is available by prescription.
Some of these are available by medical prescription only.
It's found in food, but is also available at high doses by prescription.
Available by prescription, it is the first drug introduced just for this purpose.
Based upon their application and safety of use, they are either available by prescription or over the counter, he said.
Here are five questions to ask your doctor and yourself to save money on prescriptions.
At that time some 500 000 patients were receiving the drug on prescription.
It turned out that the doctors often still had the final say on prescriptions.
So far, she said, members have saved more than $12 million on prescriptions.
To avoid confusion, make sure the drug name is clearly written on your prescription.
For this reason, most legal stimulants are only available on prescription.
For this reason, they are only available on prescription.
Such "catastrophic coverage" would be available to people who spend more than $6,000 a year of their own money on prescriptions.
Most experts who track drug side effects say the remedy is more money, perhaps provided by a tax on prescriptions.
The drug is currently available on prescription in the United States.