Here, as in the quartet and a striking Serenade (1978), Mr. Silvestrov uses dissonance freely -not aggressively, but as a tool to create the mysterious, shimmering haze from which the drama of his music emerges.
Often, he creates a mysterious haze, from which one or more of the instruments emerge with cohesive and often lyrical thematic material.
On December 4 the Thetis reached far to the south, so that the sun barely set at all, and night consisted only of a mysterious ashen haze, holding low upon the tuibulent sea.
He was not looking at the girl; his fierce eyes seemed to plumb the mysterious purple hazes of the distance.
Rather than meeting a distinct horizon, they faded with distance into a soft, mysterious haze.
Its opening pages, which should swim in a mysterious chromatic haze, sounded disappointingly mundane under the pressure Mr. Fain applied.
I looked at the lake, swamped in a malignant and mysterious haze.
There were moments when the articulation was a bit too sharply illuminated; detail registered when a mysterious haze would have been more to the point.
Soon a lovely glow spreads over all, giving place to deep shadows and a mysterious haze disappearing into the distance into deep blue.
One can readily imagine those pleasing composi-tions, with their graceful lines, rugged buildings, anthropomorphised animals, and quaint villagers suffused in a mellow light or mysterious haze.