Still, tensions continued due to the threat of mutual annihilation.
After 1945, he came to believe that a strong world government was the only way to avoid mutual nuclear annihilation.
He said always give your enemy a Golden Bridge, a way to back down but save face, so you avoid mutual annihilation!
Their true goal is the mutual annihilation of the two neighboring barbarian peoples.
When an electron and a positron combine, there is a mutual annihilation of the two particles.
In the final coalescence there was the great- est of all great mutual annihilations.
Some sort of mutual annihilation, as if they were both opposing nuclear particles?
We're trying to place limits on the number of warheads and our capacity to threaten each other with mutual annihilation.
And they are trapped in the cycle of mutual annihilation.
I wanted to offer leadership that will move from mutual annihilation to coexistence to break the cycle of death.