IHP+ encourages greater mutual accountability - holding each other to account - by monitoring progress on partners' commitments.
These activities try to encourage a culture of radical compassion, reciprocal support and mutual accountability.
Ujamaa Place programming is made available at no cost to participants, but it is a program that demands mutual accountability.
Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
Members interact to share information but have specific areas of responsibility and little mutual accountability.
Transparency can be defined as a basic expression of mutual accountability.
These groups encouraged personal prayer and worship, Bible study, confession of sins and mutual accountability.
Conrad writes: Another revealing aspect of the relationship between nobles and griots is the asymmetry of their mutual accountability.
Any future partnership between the EU and Africa will inevitably have to be based on the principle of mutual accountability.
The great challenge of qualitative reform is and remains reinforcing own contributions and mutual accountability.