God, I hope I don't run out of film, Bonny muttered anxiously.
The guard muttered anxiously, "Hey, come on now, milady!
Gene and Sara were sitting on their tables, muttering anxiously.
Then the various groups, still muttering anxiously to each other, began to evaporate in various directions.
A knot of dark-suited Garrick members had gathered in the hall and were muttering anxiously.
His guards had drawn back, were muttering anxiously to each other as they stared at him.
I wish the hell we knew when it started, how far it'll travel," Paul muttered anxiously.
Bile rose in my throat, and the troopers muttered anxiously, or vented expletives of disgust.
"And no lookout station around here, either," Tom muttered anxiously.
"Let's get out of here before we all get killed," Harker muttered anxiously.