Within the span of her career she has starred in numerous films, from movies to musical skits.
At the Chagigah, each 1st grade class performs a musical skit that addresses some aspect of prayer.
At the Chagigah, each 2nd grade class performs a musical skit that addresses some aspect of Torah learning.
Three songs resemble the musical skits in Animaniacs, matching existing music with new lyrics.
Members perform semi-professional musical skits at the Wallow that often poke fun at national and international issues as well as current events.
The epilogue of the story was followed by a small comical musical skit that was met with mixed reaction.
In addition to the hours of testimony, the hearings have been enlivened by musical skits and interrupted by catcalls.
Autumn and their oldest son, Harrison, then 17, were appearing in a musical skit during each of Bent's Tree's services that day.
The show consisted of a musical skit, followed by a series of short songs and acrobatic performances.
The script was further changed to include a number of musical skits to bring out the social satire of NSK.