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The muscular system consists of all the muscles present in a single body.
This will cause an over-tightening of the entire muscular system.
The running text is the skeletal and muscular system of a textbook.
Sometimes natural oils are used to enhance the overall effect on the nervous and muscular system.
The muscular system is one of the major systems of human and animal bodies.
If he so much as thinks of violating the Three Laws, his muscular system locks up.
The muscular system, nervous system, and skeleton may be examined in detail.
The physical examination may include detailed examination of both the nervous and the muscular systems.
Biosensors detect signals from the user's nervous or muscular systems.
Myology is the study of the muscular system.
The physical examination should include an extensive neurological and muscular system examination.
Eupnoi and Dyspnoi have the most reduced muscular system.
This muscular system is manipulated during facial cosmetic surgery, especially rhytidectomy.
The muscular system of insects ranges from a few hundred muscles to a few thousand.
With 24of6's direct guidance of his muscular system, he had Kallatra's brain exposed and severed in minutes.
Including the muscular systems, organs, respiratory, bony anatomy, veins and arteries.
The muscular system was almost prematurely developed.
According practitioners, Sotai Therapy balances the nervous and muscular systems.
The controller is connected to the user's nerve and muscular systems and the device itself.
These peptides target the nervous, cardiovascular or muscular systems to cause paralysis and death of the prey.
The muscular system has been similarly modified.
Muscular system: allows for manipulation of the environment, provides locomotion, maintains posture, and produces heat.
At Heidelberg he performed important research involving primate morphology, particularly studies of its muscular system.
Her muscular system's going More and More wrong.
In Florence Steno focused on the muscular system and the nature of muscle contraction.