After two days of digging, a group of students came across a fieldstone wall held together by a simple mortar mix.
Although the fieldstone walls still stand, the future of this building is in doubt.
During that time, I also purchased a portion of a fieldstone wall from a farmer.
The low fieldstone wall surrounding the place was still a dark gray from the passing rain.
Admiral Morgan was reflective as he stared at the fieldstone wall around the pond.
The other side was a high crumbling fieldstone wall with deep alcoves about twenty-five feet apart.
Two miles along, the road takes a sudden turn, hard to the right; it's banked by a fieldstone wall.
A small fieldstone wall separates the building from the road.
He led her to the fireplace and then along the fieldstone wall.
Pushing to his feet, he walked to the fieldstone wall and pushed in the stone.