He was munching away at the tuna fish sandwich Wells had brought in for his own consumption.
The dog lay down on the floor and began munching away.
Every one munched away at it with a pleasure which may be easily understood.
Yes and you can hear everyone munching away on their food.
"I think the people around here appreciate having areas of open space where they can just ride by and peek at the horses munching away."
And then today when I was passing it was just munching away in the corner, you know.
He munched away for a moment while his uncle's program - or whatever it was - digested this.
Her companion was already awake, and munching away at an enormous piece of cold sausage.
"They're challenging everything, including me," he says as the bears munch away.
Two amiable-looking young police officers walk downtown, each holding a small white bag, munching away.