Only one identified plan took a long-term, multi-sectoral and holistic approach to prevention, with appropriate institutional support mechanisms and commensurate investment.
Various strategies have been developed for the attainment of each objective focus on the multi-sectoral comprehensive approach and participation of all stakeholders and the people themselves.
He praised the holistic, multi-sectoral approach of ICAM as a way to manage the regional ecosystem.
No agency is tasked with enforcing non-discrimination policy, instead multi-sectoral approach has been developed involving awareness campaigns in the private sector.
"The Dynamics of a Capitalist Economy: A multi-sectoral approach," with L.F. Punzo, 1987.
To ensure that all policies and measures in the above areas are based on a multi-sectoral approach, involve all stakeholders in the process and are communicated in an effective way.
Therefore, effectively addressing crime requires a holistic, multi-sectoral approach that addresses its root social, political, and economic causes.
This Local Sustainable Development Plan aims for a twenty-year multi-sectoral approach or collaboration between a myriad of sectors that will help to guide and achieve sustainable development and long-term planning for the region.
The health sector recognizes that injuries have multiple causes which, with efforts to strengthening the emergency medical services, necessitate multi-sectoral approach towards effective prevention and rapid responses when it occurs.
While governments are expected to lead on the implementation of activities, the resolution specifically calls for a multi-sectoral approach that includes academia, the private sector, civil society, the media, victims and their families.