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It continues to be the largest international multireligious project of its kind.
This is the wiser, and the more appropriate, path for our increasingly multireligious society.
In recent decades, every important city has become multicultural, multiracial and multireligious.
"But for a country like Russia it is absolutely fatal, because we have a multinational and multireligious society."
They flow from the very nature of Nigeria as a multinational, multireligious entity.
What he argues for is creation of ethnically pure areas in a multiethnic and multireligious society.
However, Christianizing in a multireligious context may well imply anti-Semitism.
Teaching students how to live in a multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious society without hating and killing one another is equally important.
In some multireligious countries, the cross increasingly has been seen as religiously provocative, the organization has acknowledged.
Since Lebanon is a multireligious state and consensus democracy, having a national unity government is more favorable in this country.
Karachi is a multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural and multireligious metropolitan city.
The widespread use of vouchers to support religious education would destroy the wonderful multi-ethnic, multicultural, multireligious society that has developed in our country.
"They seemed to fit into my multicultural context, and had a multireligious thing as well," said Mr. Apted.
More and more, European democracies are multireligious.
Even now, with sectarian strife splitting the country, the orchestra remains a mirror of Iraq's multiethnic, multireligious society.
The official state ideology is the Rukunegara, which has been described as encouraging "respect for a pluralistic, multireligious and multicultural society".
Multiracial, multicultural, multireligious - whatever their differences, Malaysians are all Asians, with a common heritage.
Most important, there would have been no disintegration of Yugoslavia, a multinational, multicultural and multireligious country, imperfect but fixable.
He worried over "the coming retirement of your parents' very large generation" and called for "the world's first truly great, multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious democracy."
Montenegro is a multireligious country.
Nepali society is multilingual, multireligious and multiethnic.
Palestine is multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious.
She believes that if these groups of traders, merchants and multireligious networks had become more powerful, a more diverse Balkans would have been the outcome.
It seeks to educate people of many traditions, side by side, as a means of preparation for living and ministering in a multireligious world.
India is a multicultural and multireligious society and celebrates holidays and festivals of various religions.