Dr. Lynch will move to the new site from his rented quarters on West 56th Street later this month.
Ky suited up, wondering who had moved her personal suit from her former quarters, then eased into the command seat.
The council will move from its rented quarters on Waller Street to the bank later this month or early in February.
You had better prepare your weapons and be ready to move from your quarters by dawn tomorrow.
As soon as the wedding was over, Gretchen's entire family would be moving from their temporary quarters in the high school into the complex.
Elsa uses Luca to deliver forged orders and funds to have the ladies moved from their distressingly barracks-like quarters to an upper class hotel.
Mr. Hengombe said his family moved from their friends' crowded quarters into a dark, tight apartment.
One of the crew had moved his personal things from his old quarters to the new one.
It hadn't moved from its cramped quarters all day.