This mouth watering can also serve to stimulate the appetite.
Despite having risen from the table a short while before, Margaret found her mouth watering.
The scent of the fish frying started his mouth watering.
It's not exactly an idea that, theoretically, gets the American mouth watering.
With twelve hundred pounds of horse in labor between them, it was no time to have her mouth watering.
The meal did look especially appetizing and Peter felt his mouth watering.
The manifesto doesn't say; it leaves you with your mouth watering.
I went and stood ready by my bowl, my mouth watering.
"Of course they don't," the creature agreed, its mouth watering.
Oh, your mouth is watering just at the thought of it!
He wouldn't have said his mouth watered, but it was a very close thing.
He held it up in front of him and his mouth watered.
"Your friend is really big," he said, as if his mouth were watering, and maybe it was.
Had that been meat of a different sort, his mouth might have watered.
My mouth was watering as the waiter placed them in front of me.
Sounds good to me, Shannon thought, her mouth watering already.
Her mouth watered, and she shifted from one foot to the other.
His mouth almost watered at the memory of that amazing body.
Her mouth watered for a taste of them, and she rolled him onto his back.