But it is on the streets of Baku that the effect of the boom is most palpable.
The anxiety, of course, is most palpable in New York and Washington and other big cities.
The aesthetic focus, for example, shifts towards the sublime and perhaps this is the most palpable distinction.
It seemed as if I had been misled into this opinion, by the most palpable illusions.
The most palpable benefit from the earthquake is the boom in construction employment.
But this is the privilege of beauty, that being the loveliest she is also the most palpable to sight.
His most palpable legacy may be that he has taught the poor to demand more.
In fact, for all the impositions present, Miss Genevieve's pearls appeared the most palpable.
Flattery in its most palpable form had lost its force with her.
They come and they go and, in a most palpable sense, they breathe.