Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
They just add the period lapsed on to the end of your mortgage term.
More families in these places seem to be relying on aggressive mortgage terms to buy homes.
Past due payments of $2,600 were added to the principal amount and the mortgage term was extended to pay for them.
Besides mortgage terms, another key variable in housing expenses is local taxes.
My debt for the good times involved a 7 year payback (nearly done ) and not the usual mortgage term.
The state government officials wanted more power to limit exceeding high interest rates and oppressive mortgage terms.
It's in one's mortgage terms and student loans and legislatures.
And as the construction lender, a bank often is willing to offer better mortgage terms to buyers than those offered by outside competitors.
With his particular ambitions, he would do well to consider how best to shorten his mortgage term.
The resulting property is then sold after a period of equity-building, usually five years - the typical commercial mortgage term.
Customers can also find lenders or credit counselors in their areas, along with a comprehensive glossary of mortgage terms.
Now Cheryl pitches mortgage terms at the agents.
Interest only mortgages give you the money you need, and you don't pay it back until your mortgage term is up.
This way you are guaranteed to have paid off the debt at the end of the mortgage term and you will own the house outright.
Loss mitigation works to negotiate mortgage terms for the homeowner that will prevent foreclosure.
Economists and bankers say that another factor comes into play in the choice of mortgage term: the age of the borrower.
If you are buying a leasehold property this column shows how long must be left on the lease after the mortgage term has been deducted.
Mr Gibson applied for details of his house price and mortgage terms on a form of the council.
Lenders may voluntarily agree to adjust mortgage terms in order to help troubled borrowers continue to stay in their homes.
In addition to their geographic range of influence, the four intermediaries differed in their preferred mortgage terms.
Home buyers and owners can still reduce payments appreciably, or they can choose a shorter mortgage term to cut interest expenses.
Extend your mortgage term.
In addition, if interest rates have dropped since the reverse mortgage was signed, the mortgage terms may include an "'interest-rate differential' penalty."
That may mean preparing properties foreclosed by the bank for resale or restructuring mortgage terms for borrowers with financial problems.
Flip Side to Short Mortgages There is a downside to having a shorter mortgage term.