One in Ten is mistakenly cited as referring to the number of unemployed in the UK at that time.
His year of birth has been mistakenly cited as 1961, but he is two years older.
Often mistakenly cited as a BBC production, Towers commercially syndicated the programme throughout the English speaking world.
On the old Russian (Julian) calendar, the date was April 4, which is sometimes mistakenly cited as the date of the massacre.
The name is sometimes mistakenly cited as roebelinii.
This section of the house is often mistakenly cited to be of the Federal Style.
Although, he was sometimes mistakenly cited as a member, former president Pervez Musharraf was not part of the party itself.
Occasionally cited mistakenly as a Broadway play, it never in fact opened in the USA.
He is sometimes mistakenly cited for coining the term "The Third Reich" in relation to Nazism because of his 1906 novel by that name.
This last one-line paragraph has been mistakenly cited as an actual Pegler quote.