They run 15 25 minutes intervals along their own way.
They were admitted in groups of 10 and at one minute intervals.
On a particular rally, cars are started at one minute intervals.
The piece is in fact a 14 hours film made out of 70 shorter films shot at 10 minutes intervals throughout the day.
It is divided into two halves, with a 10 minutes interval.
After a pause the years were counted out at approximately half minute intervals.
The race started at 06:00 in the morning with cars leaving at one minute intervals.
There are currently 20 cabins in service, which leave each station at approximately one minute intervals.
The airport is currently served by bus routes 5 and 14, running at 20-30 minute intervals.
It fires at regularly repeated two, four, three and one minute intervals.
For thirteen years, the Texas Eagle operated as two separate sections, leaving St. Louis in the late afternoon, one following behind the other at an approximately 10 minute interval.
The women were brought to the room one by one for their supposed examination and then shot there at two minute intervals.
During the morning peak period, the Tseung Kwan O Line needs 15 trains in service to keep 2.7 minute intervals.
Under this policy, "Hi-Frequency" stations have services every 15 minutes during off-peak and peak times, while all other stations receive 30 minute intervals during both periods.
The course was 196.0 miles (315.385 kilometre) long and the cyclists started at two minute interval.
The sound could've passed for mechanical, but it was really an insectoid which'd been calling at eleven minute intervals ever since they'd entered the cavern three hours earlier.
The mean change in SaO 2 and pulse rate was then calculated for each patient at two minute intervals throughout the procedure and the readings obtained from each group compared.
Cars were dispatched at two minute intervals, beginning at 3:30am, from the start line in Champigny-sur-Marne on the outskirts of Paris.
I drew up a form with these headings and time was calibrated in fifteen minute interval boxes which, by the use of a marking code, could also show five minute intervals.
In less than a minute came the shocks, the first one lasting about two minutes, the next one as long and at about two minute intervals.