Radio, television and movie producers have paid tribute to his professionalism and ability to produce flawless performances with minimal rehearsal.
The band sought to recreate the recording experience of Still Life, and again entered the studio with minimal rehearsals, and no lyrics written.
Special appearances usually allow for minimal rehearsal, and Mr. McFerrin has lamented a lack of opportunities to do real, concentrated work with major orchestras.
The former understand that the shows have had minimal rehearsal, that the actors might be holding scripts, that the staging and choreography will be limited.
Temporary bandings of this sort often sound as though they were accomplished with minimal rehearsal and virtuosic sight-reading skills.
There was minimal rehearsal, and filming spanned 20 days during the summer.
After minimal rehearsal, filming spanned from early February across to March 2007 on a six-week schedule, of which 30 days were designated to filming.
These were usually performed with minimal rehearsal or at sight.
Both sets featured only a few songs, performed with minimal rehearsal.
Talk is, quite literally, cheap, not being heavily dependent on writing and requiring minimal rehearsal.