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Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
I saw David and Brian over by the milking parlour, bringing the cows in.
It is a former milking parlour and has two bedrooms and attractive gardens.
As for milking parlour waste (see above).
In pasture systems, cows graze in fields and are required to walk to the milking parlour.
So-called "tingle voltage filters" may be required in the electrical distribution system for a milking parlour.
In dairy farming, the room in which milking takes place is called the milking parlour.
Milking parlour wastes also contain large volumes of wash-down water, some animal waste together with cleaning and disinfection chemicals.
Milking parlour wastes are often treated in admixture with human sewage in a local sewage treatment plant.
In New Zealand such a building is historically known as a "milking shed" or "milking parlour" (note the different spelling).
Wastewater from slaughtering activities is similar to milking parlour waste (see above) although considerably stronger in its organic composition and therefore potentially much more polluting.
The cattle will be held on a circular milking parlour inside giant metal sheds with little access to grass or sunshine, and milked for 23 hours a day.
The college farm consists of a 210 hectares and a dairy herd, a milking parlour and dairy shed, cattle are also reared for beef each year.
Owned by Jo Rutherford, Trigo rounded up the milking herd and brought it back to the milking parlour in Devon.
She then went on to renovate the old milking parlour which she transformed into an award-winning cookery school, Ballyknocken Cookery School.
The vet was forced into an unscheduled arrival at 50 miles-an-hour into a nearby farm-yard, much to the surprise of a herd of Jerseys ambling their way to the milking parlour!
We always found an excuse to linger round the milking parlour, warmed by the steaming animals; watching in admiration as one of the ladies coaxed milk from pink teats into a foaming bucket.
Digimaton, if I were in a Galway nightclub, which is something like being in a milking parlour, I wouldn't be reading a book - I would be slashing my wrists.
Follow the production of milk from the sheep, either grazing contentedly in the fields or relaxing in their sheds, through the milking parlour, to the finished products of yogurt and ice-cream in the Farm Shop.
These include Barnes Mill Lock, Barnes Mill (now a privately owned home) and the Barnes Farm milking parlour, now a bar and restaurant (the Miller and Carter).
It broadcasts from Breck Farm, Stody, Norfolk, England, from a converted milking parlour and is said to be the UK's only radio station based in a building with a thatched straw roof.
Most of farmers report that while some people aren't particularly interested in how a farm works, others - particularly young children - can barely be dragged away from watching young lambs in the fields or life in the milking parlour - not to mention huge tractors hard at work.
This year's fair seemed no different, only bigger and better with the addition of a new milking parlor.
The sun was well up, and people were about by the time he reached the gate of the Thomas milking parlor.
The milking parlor and calving area occupied the lower level.
Jude felt like a cat who'd just been given the keys to the milking parlor.
A lower level of the barn, built into a hillside, serves as the milking parlor.
The fire destroyed half the farm buildings, including the main barn or milking parlor.
The sky was losing its dawn haze when he walked into the milking parlor.
Maybe there is a station that pressure washes the cows before they make it into the milking parlor.
Oh, the milking parlor was new, and a fresh coat of paint had been slapped on the barn a year or so before.
As herd sizes continued to increase, this evolved into the more efficient milking parlor.
They trellised the milking parlor and trained climbing roses to it.
Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
In its heyday, the barn had probably served as milking parlor for twenty or thirty head.
There is even a small cheese plant being built across from the milking parlor, on property that includes 1,300 acres of crop land.
One young Dutchman lived in his milking parlor until health inspectors forced him to buy a trailer home.
Dot Lee, a 2-year-old that had recently calved, was first to enter the milking parlor.
Dafydd caught up with her at the gate to the milking parlor.
It is equipped with an electronically-enhanced milking parlor and student-managed computer system.
I saw David and Brian over by the milking parlour, bringing the cows in.
It is a former milking parlour and has two bedrooms and attractive gardens.
Concerned about the emergence of big farms, one entrepreneur decided to experiment by building a 300-cow dairy with a modern milking parlor.
Grumbling, Shane headed out of the milking parlor.
Each dairy consists of several modern milking parlor set-ups operated as a single enterprise.
Farmers would have the radio turned on in the milking parlor; research seemed to indicated that it relaxed the cows and produced more milk.
Sean related the vet's diagnosis to his boss, and agreed to begin cleaning out the milking parlor in the morning.
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